Capoeira Masters

About Mestre Velho Jose

Mestre Velho José

Mestre Velho José (Aldemar de Sousa) was born on 8th March 1976 and most of his childhood was lived in Goiânia, capital of Goiás, Brazil.
At the age of 3 he started Capoeira in the School of Capoeira Bimba Meu Mestre, later on called Associação de Capoeira Bimba Meu Mestre, run by Mestre Deputado.
Mestre Velho José trained his all life, and still does, with his father, Mestre Deputado, one of Mestre Bimba's disciple.
His nickname in capoeira reports his behave as a child. In his neighbourhood  an old and unhappy man use to scare all the kids. One day his mom said: "You're acting like Velho José".
Aldemar became a master of capoeira in 2003, but just started teaching in 2008 with the creation of Olorum Capoeira in partnership with his brother, Mestre Leonardo, and the supervision of Mestre Deputado.
His first batizado as a Master took place in London in August 2010

About Mestre Deputado

Mestre Deputado

Walce Sousa, Mestre Deputado, began Capoeira with Mestre Osvaldo de Souza, then continued with Mestre Bimba. Its binding was intense from the start, making it a great propagator of the art of Capoeira Regional throughout Brazil and many other countries. He's the author of several books about Capoeira. The nickname, earned by Mestre Bimba, because Mestre Deputado had always many friends and acquaintances."Just being deputy to meet so many people ..." said Mestre Bimba.
He started Escola Bimba Meu Mestre, a school of capoeira in the heart of Brazil. Then later he created the Associação de Capoeira Bimba Meu Mestre. Many other masters in our days has at some point of their path in capoeira, the opportunity to have some classes, specialisation Regional course or just a chat with Mestre Deputado. He's considered as an icon in Capoeira community. His work as a researcher of Afro-Brazilian culture and books, granted him a title of Cultural Heritage from the actual President of Brazil Dilma Houssef.
He supervises several projects of capoeira Regional around the globe, and also his contribution to Olorum Capoeira project is intense. Working along with Mestre Leonardo and Mestre Velho José both his students and son's.

About Mestre Leonardo

Mestre Leonardo

Leonardo Sousa, Mestre Leonardo was born in Brazil in 1977. Son of Mestre Deputado, he was deeply involved with his father capoeira project in the 90's. Participating in several performances of Capoeira Regional around Brazil. Also participate in the illustration of Mestre Deputado first book of capoeira, along with Mestre Tatu, executing Cintura Desprezada and Balão Cinturado.
He has been teaching capoeira since 1999 in Goiânia-Goiás (his hometown) mainly in secondary school's, where he introduced a project for kids to choose Capoeira as one of the physical activities available.
Mestre Leonardo is a co-founder of Olorum Capoeira, and has been working along Mestre Velho José, developing since 2008 the same project in Brazil. He came to London to give some workshop's of Capoeira Regional in 2011, and did participate on the 2º Batizado (capoeira grading) of Olorum Capoeira.

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