Last Tuesday Class of Every Month

Every Last Tuesday of the Month we have our Capoeira Music Class and Roda.


The Music Class is the oportunity that everyone have to try and learn how to play one of the instruments of the Capoeira Bateria (Berimbau, Pandeiro, Agogo, Reco-reco and Atabaque).


After one hour of pure fun with the instruments, we start our Monthly Roda. 


If you have your own instrument, bring it! If not, don't worry, there's instruments for everyone!


Mestre Velho José.

Every Last Tuesday of the Month we have our Capoeira Music Class and Roda.


The Music Class is the oportunity that everyone have to try and learn how to play one of the instruments of the Capoeira Bateria (Berimbau, Pandeiro, Agogo, Reco-reco and Atabaque).


After one hour of pure fun with the instruments, we start our Monthly Roda. 


If you have your own instrument, bring it! If not, don't worry, there's instruments for everyone!


Mestre Velho José.